• High School certificate, Languages and humanities programme (English, German, French, Spanish and Latin), Högre allm. läroverket, Kristianstad, May 1960.
• Master of political and social sciences (180 points with political economy, business administration, history, statistics, political science, and law as subjects). Lund University, June 1966.
• Bachelor’s degree in musicology, Lund University, 1984.
• Candidacy Exam in musicology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Sept. 1991.
• Licentiate of Philosophy, degree in musicology. Lund University, Sept. 1992.
• Ph.D. degree in musicology, Lund University, Oct. 1997.
• Associate Professor (Docent), Lund University, autumn 2000.
• Professor of Musicology, Växjö University [now Linnæus University), 2004.
• 1997 Doctoral dissertation awarded a prize from Hilding Rosenberg’s Foundation on recommendation from the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.
• 1998 Lars Salvius-föreningens stipend.
• 1999–2001: Research funding from The Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences
• 1999–2001: Research funding from Stiftelsen Etermedier, Stockholm
• 2001–2005: Member of the research team Fear, Fascination and Affinity. The relations between the Swedish Cultural life and Scientific community with Nazism and Fascism 1939–1950, financed by the Swedish Research Foundation.
• 2003: Research funding, Dag Wirén’s Foundation
• 2004– 2008: Research funding from Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational Science (with co-financing by Växjö University).
• 2005: Strategic research funding, Växjö University
• 2006–2009 – Member of the Research Team on Intermediality and the Medieval Ballad financed through a special Research Milieu at Växjö University
• 2008– 2011: Project leader of the infrastructural project Digitising and Publishing of Medieval Ballads on the Web, financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.
• Member of the publication committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm, 1999–2002
• Member of the Ph.D. degree committee for Per Olov Broman (dissertation Kakafont storhetsvansinne eller uttryck för det djupaste liv? Om ny musik och musikåskådning i svenskt 1920-tal med särskild tonvikt på Hilding Rosenberg (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2000). Uppsala University, Autumn 2000.
• Member of the expert committee for the appointment of a lecturer in musicology, Department of Musicology, Copenhagen University. Autumn 2000–Spring 2001.
• Member of the degree committee for Licentiate dissertation (Linda Åkesson), Department of Art History and Musicology, Lund University, Autumn 2001.
• Member of the Ph.D. degree committee for Toomas Siitan (dissertation Die Choralreform in die Ostseeprovinzen in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des protestantischen Kirchengesangs in Estland und Livland (Bonn: IME, 2003), Department of Art History and Musicology, Lund University, Spring 2003.
• Member of the Ph.D. degree committee for Mikael Askander (dissertation Modernitet och intermedialitet i Erik Asklunds tidiga romankonst), Växjö University, 25 October 2003.
• Faculty opponent at Ph-D. viva for Tobias Pettersson (dissertation De bildade männens Beethoven: Musikhistorisk kunskap och social formering i Sverige mellan 1850 och 1940), Göteborg University, 2004.
• Member of the research and publication committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music Autumn 2002–Spring 2005.
• Chair of the Swedish Society for Musicology 2007–2009.
• Member of expert committees for the appointment of:
– a professor in music pedagogy at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden (2006);
– of a professor in Musicology, Aarhus University, Denmark (2010);
– of an assistant professor in musicology at Oslo Academy of Music, Norway (2010);
– of an associate professor in musicology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden (2010);
– of a research fellow in musicology at the University of Uppsala, Sweden (2011);
– of an assistant professor i musicology and a professor in music theory at Oslo Academy of Music, Norway(2013)
– of a professor in musicology at the University of Örebro, Sweden (2015)
– of a professor in music pedagogy at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden (2015)
• Evaluation assignments for the Swedish Research Council, the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, and the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education regarding applications for stipends and research projects (from 2007).
• Expert for an application for “docentkompetens i musikvetenskap” (associate professor in musicology) at the Gothenburg University, Sweden (2012).
• Expert for an application for “docentkompetens i musikvetenskap” (associate professor in musicology) at the Uppsala University, Sweden (2014).
University level
• Non-permanent teacher in musicology at the College of Music in Malmö 1984–1989 and 1993–1995
• Non-permanent teacher in musicology, Department of Musicology, Lund University, 1984–1989 and 1991–1993.
• Teaching assistant (subject: Music Appreciation), Department of Music, University of California, Santa Barbara, Autumn 1990–Spring 1991.
• Lecturer, Department of Musicology, Lund University, 1993-07-01–1994-06-01 (50%).
• Research Assistant (HSFR) at the Department of Musicology, Lund University, 1999-02-01 –2001-01-30 (50%).
• Research Associate (Stiftelsen Etermedia, Stockholm [Swedish Broadcasters Foundation]) in the project “Welfare State, Media and Modernization”) (50% for altogether 14 months), 1999–2001.
• Associate Professor at the School of Education, Department of Art and Music Studies, Växjö University 2001-04-01–2004-01-30 (20–40%).
• Research Associate, Department of Musicology, Lund University, 2002-10-01–2004-01-30 (100–75%).
• Professor of musicology at the School of Education, Department of Art and Music Studies, Växjö University 2004–2008 (100%).
• Professor of musicology (emerita) at the School of Languages, Department of Nordic languages at Växjö University (10–30%) and responsible for the project Digitising and Web Publishing of Medieval Ballads 2008–2011 (10–30%). [Växjö University is from 2010 renamed Linneæus University].
• Senior Advisor in the on-going project Digitising and Web Publishing of Folksongs run cooperatively by Linnæus University and the Småland Music Archive in Växjö since 2011 (cf.
Other kinds of employment
• Relief teacher at a primary school, Dala-Järna, autumn 1966.
• Social welfare officer, Falun, 1967–1969.
• Social welfare officer, Linköping, 1969–1970. • Personnel officer, social welfare office, Linköping, 1970–1973.
• First secretary at the Statens personalnämnd (SPN) later Statens institut för personaladministration och personalutbildning (SIPU), Stockholm and Malmö, 1973–1983.
• Editor, Arkiv Förlag & Tidskrift [Arkiv Publishing House & Journal], Lund, 1994-09-01–1999-01-30.
• Music critic on a freelance basis in Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Malmö, 1984–1989.
• During my employment at the Department of Musicology, Lund University, I developed the course Swedish Music History (5 credits). I gave this course (in English) three times during the years 1999–2001 and wrote a comprehensive compendium – Swedish Music History in Outline (148 pp.) for the course. I also developed a distance course (web-based) in Scandinavian Music History (2000/2001). This work included developing a curriculum for the course, writing supplementary texts to the prescribed book and producing sheets of music for music examples used in the course. The supplementary texts, the notated music as well as the music examples (transformed into mp3 files) were published on the web within the framework of LUVIT, a platform for Internet-based education.
• During my employment at the School of Education, Växjö university, I developed musicology as a subject that can be studied from beginning to master level. This work included developing syllabi for a number of courses. It also meant building up library resources for the subject (reference literature, books, periodicals, sound recordings, and music in notated form). I further applied for and obtained the right to issue bachelor’s degree in the subject of musicology. Finally, I ensured that there was competent staff at Växjö University who in addition to me taught musicology at all undergraduate and graduate levels.
• In 2001 I initiated discussions among colleagues in art history, film studies, political science, law and business economics to develop a study programme for cultural leaders/administrators. The discussions led Växjö University to start this programme in 2003/2004, and I had a coordinating responsibility for the programme – known as Kulturledarprogrammet – until 2007. The programme runs over three years. The aim of the programme is to educate students who become competent in administrating cultural affairs at state, regional and local levels, but who also accomplish advanced studies in musicology, art history or film studies. Around 30 students are admitted to the program every year.
Updated 2015-09-17